It’s no secret that Propaganda is everywhere. Teaching children to see through the lies and manipulation around us is so important to critical thinking. Use this free lesson plan to teach your Middle and High School students this important lesson.
- Start by doing a deep dive into Edward Bernays, “The Father of Propoganda.” Use different resources to find out about his personal life, any famous familial relations, his life work and research his family’s ties to Netflix today.

2. Read his book, Propoganda:
3. After reading the book, prepare and present a news report on “Different Methods of Propoganda.” Use visual aids such as ads inspired by the method you are speaking about. Be sure to reference tactics that are still in use today.
Brett Pike is the Author of the Cubs to Bears book series.
He is also the creator of Classical Learner’s Homeschools Connected community & curriculum – bringing together thousands of like minded people and providing them the resources to give their kids an education worthy of freedom. You can learn more about Homeschools Connected here.