Logical Fallacy posters
Logical Fallacy posters are designed to familiarize children with different logical fallacies they will be exposed to over the course of their life. Understanding what a “Strawman Argument” is could be the difference between being fooled by the corporate media or accurately identifying lies and manipulation.

Parts of Speech Poster
Parts of Speech posters are daily reminders of the rules of grammar. Everyday your children can wake up to be reminded what a verb is, what a noun is, and how to properly identify an adjective.

Light Posters
“Light posters” teach children about the light spectrum, how light travels, rainbows form, and about the various forms of light that are not visible.

Bill of Rights Poster
The “Bill of Rights” poster is a daily reminder of the first ten amendments of the United States Constitution.

States of Matter Poster
The “Three States of Matter” poster teaches children how water transitions between liquid, solid, and gas.